Projective Gaming Platform


Projective Gaming Platform#

Project source at lucaspcamargo/projective-gaming-platform

This is a proof-of-concept of a gaming platform for public spaces based on body position tracking and projection. Check out this demo video on YouTube to see it in action.

It uses the now-defunct NiTE2 library for interfacing with the original Kinect, as well as user motion tracking. A wrapper library was implemented to allow Qt/QML to interface with it, and the games were implemented using that.

There is also a simple UI to keep track of what the cameras are seeing and to help calibrate both the projection and the in-game position mapping.

UI screenshot

This project was made for TIEVS84 “Human-Technology Interaction Project Work” at the University of Tampere. If you are interested, you can read the full project report, in PDF format.


This software is licensed under the MIT License.


  • Install OpenNI2 and NiTE2 for Linux (in the kinect libs zip)

  • Put NiTE2 data folder in $PWD/qmlnect/runtime

  • Install libopenal1-dev

  • Open the project with Qt Creator (open source version is fine)

  • Hit Build

  • Make sure that $PWD/qmlnect/runtime is the current working dir on execution (Project Settings)